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Changes, challenges and opportunities.

The recent weeks have shown us all that we live on the knifes edge. An enemy that we cannot see, smell or touch has invaded all facets of our lives.

SECORA has always taken pride in our “hands on” approach, believing that  human interaction is an important aspect of business pain prevention and solving. Better solutions come from looking someone in the eye, gaining respect, trust, and confidence.  However, due to the current situation, we are gearing up to another key motto “Adapt and overcome”.

SECORA, together with our global community, has also taken some measures to do our part in combating Coronavirus as follows:

  • all travel has been suspended
  • face-2-face classroom trainings have been postponed
  • coaching and mentoring sessions will be done virtually (Skype, Hangouts, Zoom)

These precautions will be in conjunction with local and country specific recommendations. As new information develops so will SECORA’s guidelines and safeguards.

The entire SECORA team is in lockstep with communities to beat this virus; committed to minimize panic and provide high quality information regarding COVID-19 and requisite precautions. Once our communities have claimed victory and life returns to normal, because it will, the SECORA team will work with our clients and suppliers’ side by side to return stability, normality and predictability to our businesses.

Doing our part, together.

Sean Rast – Founder and Managing Partner